The Online Learning program makes Apostolic training accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Indiana Bible College online Learning

Step Into Your Future

Training Tomorrow's Apostolic Leaders Today


Indiana Bible College equips people who are passionate about their call to ministry and prepares them for the work of God. The Online Learning program makes this training accessible to anyone, anywhere.



Meeting Your Education & Training Needs



Admissions requirements for degree programs

Completed Online Application
Pastoral Reference
High School Diploma or Equivalent
Transcripts from Former Schools

Applicants to the Continuing Studies BA Program must have an AA Degree
Applicants to the Additional BA Program must have a BA Degree


Tuition & FEES

Regular One-Time Course Payment Program
$145 per credit
$75 Technology fee per course

Monthly Payment Program
$125 per course per month
No additional technology fee

4-week Course Extension Fee: $115 per month
 Late Payment fee: A $15 late fee will be added to any account that is more than 5 days past due.

Our mission and vision at Indiana Bible College presses forward; as we train tomorrow’s Apostolic leaders, today. In these unprecedented times, it is imperative for our young adults to clearly understand what they believe and why they believe it. You do not have to choose between an Apostolic education or an exceptional academic education. Here at IBC, our highly trained staff is working hard to ensure both qualities are consistently on display. Lift up your heads, the greatest hour of revival for the church is upon us.
— Joshua B. Carson, President of Indiana Bible College

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